Founded in 1961, our permanent focus at Ray Lindsey Company is clean water for municipal areas, including drinking water and wastewater process solutions. Today, we offer more than five decades of experience from the perspective of providing drinking water and wastewater process solutions, but also from a perspective of improving the environment in everything we do.

Solutions we offer include:

  • Equipment sales for municipal challenges
  • Parts and retrofit Service and repair for existing municipal water process equipment
  • Expertise toward applying equipment across the water process industry
  • Shared team expertise and dedication in the industrial water process area

More than a Water Project

On a larger scope, Ray Lindsey Company is moving toward green technology. This means using energy efficient equipment and using less power wherever we can. It means processes that pump energy back into the grid. We’re driving toward and environmentally conscious perspective in all our solutions.

This also means that we don’t go into a municipal water project just to sell a piece of equipment, but to provide a solution that will decrease power usage and improve the overall impact of the water process on our environment.